Reading sheets

- a, i, oo, ea

- ee, ea, oo

- easy words poster

- c, k, x

- closed vowels

- basic revision

- transcriptions

- more transcriptions

- open a, i

- th, sh, ch, ck


  Verb paradigms

- to be

- to be (2)

- weak verbs

- weak verbs (2)


this/that (Unit 3)

IS-AM-ARE choice

Verb forms U 1-11

Room Unit 6 ('to be', 'where', things in a room)

  Speech and lexics

flats and houses (Unit 7)

'can' / 'cannot' - animal stories (Unit 8)

'3 bears' reconstruction-dictation (Unit 9) 

Animal cards (Themes C, D)

'Can' video dictation (from 'Follow me')

go/goes by bus (/train/etc) - on foot

go/goes/wants to go by bus (/train/etc) - on foot

'easy stories (is-am-are, has-have, lives-live, likes-like, hates-hate)   


 Present Simple questions (in pairs)








plural nouns, 'y' + 'es' (there's some extra grammar from the 'Culture Matters' unit in the exercise)

 Speech and lexics

North, East, South, West + town buildings

Social phrases

Literature and movie plots (Present Simple extra practice)

Progressive 1 (people's chores)

Progressive 2 (spot the difference)

Audio Driller

PC program for speech and grammar training

(i.e. repeat the speaker's sentence in another verb tense)

* instructions

* zip-file




You can find some teaching ideas and articles at the official "Cambridge English for Schools" site ( See a vocabulary of communicative teaching activities at


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